
The official photo blog of J. David Buerk Photography.

Daniel and Jessica: April 12th, 2014

Daniel and Jessica have a love that spans across the globe.

Jessica, who hails from South Africa, met Daniel while she was in the United States as an au pair.  After a wedding in Johannesburg, where Jessica's family and friends were able to join, the couple also held a more relaxed wedding reception in Virginia, where Daniel grew up with his family.

Daniel and Jessica are a fun couple who keep each other, and everyone, on their toes.  These two were a blast to shoot because they thrive off each other's energy, and the jokes just keep coming.  Add in Ella, Jessica's bubbly Maid of Honor (who was my lighting assistant for the day), and you had the makings for an energetic and fun wedding and portrait session.

And here's Ella, my lighting assistant for the evening...  hard at work...

Then things got a little crazy...

At the end of the night, Ella was gracious enough to catch photos of Daniel and Jessica with me.  She had been manning the Polaroid Instax all night, getting a photo of everybody in attendance for the guestbook.  Digital gets close, but I still love the color tones of film best.